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大胃王选美皇后 1小时吃22个巨无霸

  • 来源:互联网
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  • 2016-04-07
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  • 0 条评论
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  Being in the public spotlight, beauty queens have to hold themselves to a

  higher standard than most people. However, one such model has a disgusting hobby

  that she shares on video for all to see – and it's left many viewers a little

  grossed out.


  Nela Zisser is a young model from Auckland, New Zealand, but she has one

  hobby most models would never embark on — she’s a competitive eater. In her

  spare time, Nela gobbles down staggering amounts of food while on camera to

  compete with others in the race of “who can eat more.”


  Her most recent feat — and slightly disgusting footage — shows the model

  eating 22 McDonald’s Big Mac burgers in less than an hour. Nela had set out to

  beat the world record of 25 burgers that had recently been placed by Matt

  Stonie, a fellow food competitor. She intended to ingest thirty burgers, but

  fell short of her goal and only ingested 22.


  “I think that’s probably the most food I’ve ever done before in my life,”

  Nela admitted, according to Mirror. “I honestly don’t know how Matt Stonie got

  through 25 in 22 minutes but it’s pretty impressive. I’m pretty happy I got

  through 22, I only really thought I would get through the 18, 19 mark.”

